How to Deal with Competitors in the Industrial Market
This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Every GC (owner, architect, etc.) has competitors. When you can understand with whom they compete, you can earn your target’s trust in helping them defeat the competition.
For example, there are projects that have two competitors to Windsor: Barnhill Contracting and C.T. Wilson. Their websites are impressive, and so is their construction activity. They also have their own unique relationships with architects, engineers and owners.
In our dataset, Windsor has 7 projects, C.T. Wilson has 18 projects and Barnhill Contracting has 252 projects. If you are targeting Windsor, you can help them succeed by penetrating their competitors’ projects. But now, you have two more potential targets!
In fact, what if you were able to help Windsor target their competitors’ architects that they had relationships with?
When you examine this competitive dataset, you will see that Windsor has a few EXCLUSIVE relationships with some architects that the others do not. Likewise, their competitors have exclusives with architects and contractors that Windsor does not.
“Exclusive” doesn’t mean they “own” the relationships. It means that any other firm hasn’t really started pursuing that architect – or that owner.
Why not help Windsor gain more trust with architects the competitor has relationships with that Windsor doesn’t but would like to cultivate? Why not examine a couple of the projects and see how you might be able to help them make the project better?
The same is true of owners. It merely takes time and research to accomplish this powerful way to begin conversations.
Speaking of websites, this is what Barnhill says on their website in the ABOUT link: “More than 70% of our business comes from repeat clients and we are proud to have developed strong relationships throughout the construction industry. We understand the importance of maintaining their trust.” That’s a little different than Windsor’s wouldn’t you say?
Websites have to cry out “I’m ready for business.” Look at these two competitors, and then look at Windsor. Which one is crying out for business?
As we said in the beginning of this investigation, the road to creating relationships is no “snap.” You need to put in front your differentiation in many ways, not just on your website. However, the tools you need are there!
In Appendix One, we created the Developer charts for your own pursuit. Approach these charts in a similar manner as we have shown with Onwers, Architects and General Contractors. For more information, contact jnowak@a-i-m.com.
Assessment Summary
In this first part of the report, we have established the vast landscape of opportunities for creating relationships with companies that will lead to business. While we have looked at Owners, Architects, and General Contractors, there are other markets like Engineers, Developers, or any of the other categories a company may be seeking to engage with in a business relationship.
The process involves research first and foremost. You have to investigate the projects, the companies and competitors, and then understand the environment in which your battles will be fought. For example, Codes and Standards always play a role in what gets into a building, and Codes change. Staying current with the ones that affect the relationships you are trying to create gives you an advantage when you talk about your product7s.
The next part of our report contains specific recommendations you can utilize in your pursuit of leads. If you have questions, contact jnowak@a-i-m.com.